Saturday, September 23, 2023

Writing Letters, My Current Zen

Hello, all my good friends.  I hope today is bringing you many things to be grateful for!
I have started a new zen practice in the past few weeks: writing letters to people.  I like to have a bedtime routine in the evenings.  I take my dogs out, and then I take some of my daily supplements with my sleepy time tea.  I'll go up to my bedroom and start reading a book.  I'll read for my about a half hour to 45 minutes and then it's lights out.  Generally speaking, I fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.  It works. 
As you may know, I like to be in a zen state as much as I can.  I try my hardest to not lets things stress me out or bother me.  But I am human, and sometimes the day gets the best of me.  Sometimes I just need to not think about things and just let them go.  Get away from all the negative things that may be happening out there.  
Earlier in the year, I noticed that my sister was sending some postcards to some friends, and it got me thinking.  Who doesn't like getting a letter from someone in the mail?  I remember when I was little I would be excited to check the mail.  Not that I was expecting anything, it was just fun to do.  As I got older, checking the mail wasn't nearly as exciting.  It's not as fun checking the mailbox when we start getting bills and all kinds of junkmail.  No offense, Columbia Gas.  
I also want to give people reasons to smile.  That's one of my missions in life, to give people reasons to be happy.  So, I started writing letters to my loved ones.  I even went out and bought some cards to mail out.  
I have added writing these letters to my bedtime routine.  So now when I head upstairs, I write a letter to someone.  Maybe not every night (stamps are expensive lol).  But at least every other night.  I get to take a moment and slow down when I'm writing.  It's relaxing.
I hope that those of you that have gotten a letter from me have smiled when you saw it in your mailbox.  I hope that when you were reading it that it brought you joy.  
I am going to try and continue this zen habit.  I hope this motivates you to start a zen habit, maybe even writing letters to your loved ones.
If you would like me to add you to my address book so that maybe I can write to you, please message me on Facebook.  If we aren't already Facebook friends, please comment on here with your email so that we can share our addresses.  I'm not wanting to share my home address directly not this blog, for security reasons.
Have a blessed day, my friends!

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