Saturday, May 20, 2023



  1. 1. 
    the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

    Hello, my good friends!  I hope this blog finds you in good spirits!  
    Summers is inching its way towards us, and I am excited!  I love being able to throw my tank top and flip flops on when I get home from work!  I haven't been able to go on any good hikes lately, I have been working extra to help out.  I'm going to have to squeeze at least a short hike at some point.

    In a world where there are so many differences of opinions, it is important that we be able to tolerate ideas that we may not agree with.  It should go without saying that I mean things that aren't harming others.  For instance, things such as racism, bigotry, homophobia, stealing, etc should not be tolerated. But there are so many other ideas that we should tolerate.  I consider myself to be a Pagan Christian.  It may sound like being this is contradicting itself to some, but I believe that the earth is a powerful force and we should respect it.  I also believe that something created us, God perhaps started the "Big Bang."  I respect that others may have different ideas, whether it be strictly being Christian, being Muslim, or perhaps being an atheist.  
    We also have different political ideas.  We may also have differences of opinion on what we eat.  We may have different ideas on how to raise children.  And that all is ok.
    We can agree to disagree on many things.  What's importance is that we can tolerate each other.  At the end of the day, most of us what the same thing.  We want people to be living in harmony and coexisting.  We just may have different ideas on how to get there.  This doesn't make either one of us completely right or wrong.  
    We don't have to agree with one another on every single topic.  The world would be boring if we were all the same.  Let's work on tolerating other people/ideas.  
    Many good vibes to you!  I hope you have a blessed day!

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