Hello, my friends! I hope you are having an amazing day, wherever you may be.
It truly is a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. It's abut 80 degrees, sunny, and low humidity, It's a great day to be sitting on my porch as I am writing this.
I was thinking about a quote that I received several years ago. I was taking an individual where I work on a walk in a local park. We were walking around the track that they have and I believe that we had just finished the one mile loop. There was a group there from the local Lutheran church handing out water bottles and giving out notecards with inspiring quotes. We gladly accepted the bottles of water and the inspiring message. "Be who God wants you to be, not who others want to see."
This has stuck with me for the past 6 years. Whether you're Christian or not, the underlying message is be a good person and make the right choices. Regardless of what others are expecting or doing. Do the right thing.
I was raised Lutheran. While I may no longer attend church, I try my best to make the right choices. I know I am not perfect, but am I doing the right thing in any particular moment. If He is watching, is he seeing me trying my best. And even if there is no He, am I making the world a better place one choice at a time.
So, I am trying to be who God wants me to be.
It feels so good to do the right things -- or at least try!