Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving 1988

The year is 1988.  I am 10 years old, and I love food.  It's Thanksgiving Eve, and I love the smell of the turkey baking in the oven.  If you know me in the least, you know I love to be around the food.  I ask my parents if I can call Grandma and ask to spend the night.  Luckily, she says yes.
I only need to take a couple of things, my grandma only lives maybe 2 blocks away.  It's probably around 6 pm or so, and I walk through my backyard and walk the well known streets over.  If I see any neighbors, I am sure I say hi and gleefully continue on my way.
Grandma is getting a few things ready for the next day.  We find something to watch on tv together (I pray it's not Little House On The Prairie or Bonanza.). I'm sure we don't stay up late, the next morning is going to be busy.  I pick out my favorite blanket that I like to use at her house and snuggle in on the couch and fall asleep probably by 9 or 10.
It seems like I have just fallen asleep when I hear Grandma getting up and getting out the pots and pans and starting the turkey in the roasting pan.  It's a busy morning, and there's lots of work to do.  There are potatoes to mash, yams to make, and green bean casserole for me to drool over.  (One time, she didn't make it, and I almost cried.  She made it every time after that.)
Slowly family starts trickling in.  It's a smaller house, but somehow we managed to probably get 20-30 people in there.  Since it's such a big family, it's kind of a free for all when it comes to where to sit.  I'm lurking in the kitchen, keeping an eye on things.  I want to know as soon as the turkey is coming out of the oven (I am basting it every so often).  It's around 12 pm, and it's finally done.
My dad traditionally carves the turkey.  My favorite part of the turkey is the crispy skin, and I am ready to fight over it.  I am normally first in line, and I load my plate up in the dining room.  Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and the jello whip cream dessert.  I hurry up and find a seat.  I am quick, and I find a seat in the living room.
After everyone is done eating, us kids are in the kitchen working on the dishes.  It's a bit, there are lots of things to wash and dry.  And it's a good day.

Times have changed.  My grandma passed away back in 2009.  Lots of us have moved away from Blairsville.  Some of us have jobs that don't close on the holidays.  This year, our little dinner at my mom's is on Friday (my sister Bekah is working daylight on Thanksgiving and I work 3:30-7:30). And I am now plant based/vegetarian.  My mom is awesome.  While I would've gone out to get some sort of veggie turkey, she was kind enough to get me something as a substitute.  It'll be much smaller dinner than the big holiday dinners of my youth, but it will still be memorable.  And I am grateful, happy, and blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving, all my friends.

1 comment:

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